Top natural alternatives to PPIs for acid stomach (GORD)

Acid stomach or Gasto-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) is extremely common and affects between 10% and 30% of the adult population in developed countries. The symptoms are unpleasant, but if left untreated progressive reflux can inflame the oesophagus leading to erosion and long-term inflammation.

As Clinical Nutritionist, Stephanie Moore explains in her article 'How to deal with acid reflux', "The pain is being caused by hydrochloric acid (HCl acid), which is made by cells in the wall of the stomach, escaping from the top of the stomach and burning the delicate lining of the oesophagus (your throat), resulting in inflammation and pain. The solution may seem obvious, to take something that stops the burning by neutralising the acid. But for the vast majority of cases this is actually only going to make the matter worse".

The up- and down-sides of GORD drugs

The pharmaceutical drugs normally prescribed for GORD are known as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs are generally highly effective at reducing the acid and so relieving symptoms. Indeed, 73 million NHS prescriptions for PPIs are dispensed in England alone each year; making them one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the country. However, there are inevitable down-sides to eliminating stomach acid and the therapeutic approach can come at a high cost to other aspects of health. For example:

  • Increased risk of fracture
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Dementia
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and 
  • Infection
  • Prolonged use can also lead to hypochlorhydria, which is a converse deficiency of stomach acid. If you don’t have enough stomach acid, you can’t digest food properly or absorb its nutrients. This leads to indigestionmalnutrition and sometimes bacterial overgrowth.

Difficulty with acid rebound

Prescription of PPIs should only normally be short-term, however, stopping the medication can have a major 're-bound' effect, where the acid and symptoms come back with a vengeance. This can make the drugs difficult to quit. It is therefore not surprising that patients seek natural alternatives.

In his fully referenced article for Total Health, Dr David Cartland provides a list of the top natural alternatives for GORD. In summary, these include:

Natural alternatives to PPI:

  • Over ripened papaya and banana:

Eating overly ripe banana/papaya can relieve stomach symptoms, alleviate bloating and indigestion, and stimulate the stomach.

  • Apple cider vinegar:

Gastritis can be due to low hydrochloric acid and stimulating this as a home remedy made of apple cider vinegar mixed with honey and diluted in water boosts hydrochloric acid production, improving digestion and easing inflammation.

  • Chamomile Tea:

Drinking chamomile tea is good for gastric conditions. It helps manage symptoms of stomach illness and prevent further damage, containing significant amount of essential oils which work to ease the underlying cause of digestive disease and relaxes stomach muscles.

  • Cat nip (Nepeta cataria):

Catnip tea is most commonly used to treat symptoms related to gastrointestinal upset, including indigestion, cramping, and gas. It has additional benefits around anxiety and insomnia.

  • Pre and probiotics:

Probiotics are live microorganisms that when consumed orally in adequate amounts provide many health benefits. Currently, studies indicate that probiotics are promising for future applications in the management of gastric ulcers.  They are thought to help by protecting the gastric mucosal barrier, increase prostaglandins, mucus, growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines, increased cell growth/healing and stimulating blood vessel growth.

  • Marshmallow root powder:

Marshmallow root is high in mucilage, which may be advantageous for people with gastritis because its slippery nature soothes irritated mucus membranes. It is available in capsules, powders, syrups and teas.

  • Slippery Elm:

People use the inner bark for of the slippery elm tree native to the USA for medicinal purposes. It contains “mucilage,” and when mixed with water it becomes a gel which can coat different parts of the body and may provide relief of inflamed tissues in the gastrointestinal tract, which could be useful if you have acid reflux. It can also help stimulate more mucus production in the intestines.

  • Peppermint tea/oil:

Peppermint oil is a popular essential oil for treating gastritis. It has a cooling and soothing effect on the stomach, which can help to relieve the bloating/pain and discomfort associated with gastritis.

  • Liquorice root:

Glycyrrhizin in liquorice root offers potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it effective in treating ulcers and gastritis. It is an anti-inflammatory to the gastric lining, soothing irritation, and helping the body combat harmful bacteria. Also rich in flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants.

  • Ginger:

Ginger treats gastritis effectively due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing inflammation and treating flare-ups.

For full information and references see - Breaking the silence: Natural alternatives to PPI drugs for Gasto-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)



Any drug that suppresses inflammation Full medical glossary
A chemical that can neutralise damaging substances called oxygen free radicals. Full medical glossary
A group of organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye, which are usually made up of just a single cell. Full medical glossary
A fluid that transports oxygen and other substances through the body, made up of blood cells suspended in a liquid. Full medical glossary
The basic unit of all living organisms. Full medical glossary
Wearing away of surface tissue. Full medical glossary
Term to describe an episode when the symptoms of a condition worsen. Full medical glossary
Term to describe episodes when the symptoms of a condition worsen. Full medical glossary
Compounds found in some fruits and vegetables that have antioxidant effects. Full medical glossary
A viral infection affecting the respiratory system. Full medical glossary
Inflammation of the stomach lining. Full medical glossary
The gut, which begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. Full medical glossary
The basic unit of genetic material carried on chromosomes. Full medical glossary
An organ with the ability to make and secrete certain fluids. Full medical glossary

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux). The regurgitation of acidic fluid from the stomach into the oesophagus.

Full medical glossary
A chemical that stimulates new cell growth and maintenance in the body. Full medical glossary
Prefix suggesting a deficiency, lack of, or small size. Full medical glossary
Discomfort after eating. Full medical glossary
The body’s response to injury. Full medical glossary
relating to the intestines, the digestive tract between the stomach and the anus Full medical glossary
The section of gut, or gastrointestinal tract, from the stomach to the anus. Full medical glossary
The major part of the digestive tract. Full medical glossary
One of two bean-shaped organs that are located on either side of the body, below the ribcage. The main role of the kidneys is to filter out waste products from the blood. Full medical glossary
The condition that occurs if insufficient nutients, vitamins and minerals are eaten to maintain good health. Full medical glossary
Organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye, such as bacteria and viruses. Full medical glossary
Tissue made up of cells that can contract to bring about movement. Full medical glossary
The gullet, the part of the gastrointestinal system that extends down from the mouth cavity to the stomach. Full medical glossary
Dietary supplements containing bacteria believed to be necessary for proper gut function. Full medical glossary
Continuously increasing in extent or severity. Full medical glossary
A naturally occurring hormone-like substance. Full medical glossary
One of a group of hormone-like substances that have a wide variety of actions, including the dilation of blood vessels and contraction of smooth muscle. Full medical glossary
Backflow of a bodily fluid in the wrong direction Full medical glossary
septic arthritis Full medical glossary
the organ or the body where food is stored and broken down Full medical glossary
A group of cells with a similar structure and a specialised function. Full medical glossary
Any abnormal break in the epithelium, the outer layer of cells covering the open surfaces of the body. Full medical glossary
Relating to blood vessels. Full medical glossary