Consultant Surgeon Richard Sinnerton went fishing and, no surprise, his thoughts turned to shoulders.
Earlier this year I spent a day in The Lakes learning to fly-fish from a chap who appeared to have reached the same level of Zen as Neil Patterson. I however climbed out of the boat a few hours later with a sore elbow and a significant degree of frustration - but only at the fact that I hadn't managed to catch any fish! It certainly was relaxing and, in most respects (apart from no fish!), de-stressing. As with many sports its important to use the right equipment and learn the right technique otherwise it is possible to cause an injury while trying to enjoy yourself and get fit. I was expecting my shoulder to be uncomfortable but in fact most of the casting action comes from the elbow and I think my 'fly-fisher's elbow' was due to doing far too many casts and not listening to my mentor ie not taking my own advice. However it was a great day and something I will be doing again for the mental relaxation. I may even catch a fish!
Relating to injury or concern.
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