Women’s health issues can be complex. Treatment approaches are changing rapidly and so when something is wrong you want to know that your doctor is at the leading edge of medicine. No one person can possibly be expert in every aspect and so access to a team of specialist women’s health experts is critical.
The totalhealth team of expert private gynaecologists are all acknowledged and internationally respected senior consultants and between them they can provide the best possible levels of care for women. The frontline clinical team includes the following consultants:
- Miss Adeola Olaitan, Cervical Cancer and HPV vaccination expert
- Professor John Studd, HRT and Osteoporosis expert
- Mr Adrian Lower, Fibroids and Asherman's Syndrome Expert
- Mr Ertan Saridogan, Endometriosis & Heavy Periods Expert
From osteoporosis, depression, HPV vaccination, endometriosis, HRT or fibroids these doctors are respected both in London and internationally as being of the highest calibre. But what exactly is their approach to high quality care? These consultants have prepared a series of articles, in plain English that explains their thinking, describes the diagnosis of the different gynaecological conditions and what is involved with the latest treatments. This is the expert guide to women's heath and is essential reading for any woman who wants to remain informed on health issues.