Crutches and Sore Hands

“Crutch Hand” as a condition should have its own place in the medical dictionary. The term ‘iatrogenic’ refers to a ‘physician produced’ disease or condition and would include hospital acquired infections such as MRSA, or the side effects of drugs. However, surely one of the biggest examples of an iatrogenic condition is Crutch Hand?

It really is quite astonishing that the standard crutch still just does not seem to be compatible with the standard hand. After only a few hours of trying to get about with a pair of crutches, most people’s hands are sore and can then become blistered and bleed with a great deal of pain. It is therefore good to read how a patient, engineer Chris Slack not only devised a solution to the problem of crutch hand, but then developed the idea to make a really very simple adaptation readily available to anyone else suffering unnecessarily. Read relieving painful crutch hands.

What are the choices for hip replacement surgery?

See - senior Orthopaedic Consultants who specialise in hip replacement surgery and how they explain the range of implants and procedures that are available for hip replacement as well as their own very personal surgical approach. Hip Surgery Options

Further information on commercially available crutch handles.


A collection of fluid beneath the outer layer of the skin that forms a raised area. Full medical glossary
A painful condition of the hands resulting from the use of crutches Full medical glossary

A symptom, illness, injury or side-effect due to medical treatment

Full medical glossary
Invasion by organisms that may be harmful, for example bacteria or parasites. Full medical glossary
septic arthritis Full medical glossary