Miss Marisa Pinnock is an expert Chiropractor and the Director of Continuous Professional Development at the College of Chiropractors. In 2007 Miss Pinnock was elected to the General Chiropractic Council and sat on the Education Committee and Investigation Committee until 2009. She is a Fellow of the College of Chiropractors and the McTimoney Chiropractic Association.
Miss Pinnock graduated with a Master’s degree in Animal Chiropractic and treats both humans and animals; she is also the Chair of the Specialist Faculty of Animal Chiropractic. Her clinic was awarded the prestigious Clinical Management Quality Mark (CMQM) and the Patient Partnership Quality Mark from the College of Chiropractors.
The CMQM award was launched by the College of Chiropractors in 2008 to recognise excellence in the provision of high quality clinical services. Practices are required to demonstrate an appropriately managed and systemic approach in respect of risk management, outcome measurement and patient satisfaction amongst others.
The PPQM is awarded to recognise excellence in terms of meeting patient expectations. Practices are required to demonstrate that they meet patient expectations in a wide range of areas including accessibility and booking, cleanliness, privacy, patient education, costs etc.