City Psychology Group (CPG)

A leading team of highly experienced Chartered Psychologists

Caring for the people who care for the business

City psychologyWith over 25 Chartered Psychologists CPG are London's leading team of specialist help. The team's expertise covers the full range of psychological issues and interventions. Clients include people of all ages and from all walks of like. The City offices specialise in providing services for businesses, the legal system and the media. All psychological services are grounded in the latest research and evidence. 

What is a Chartered Psychologist?

Assuring your psychologist is qualifiedAccording to the British Psychological Society, “The title of Chartered Psychologist is legally recognised and reflects only the highest standard of psychological knowledge and expertise.”

It is important for clients to be aware of this professional standard in order to avoid unregulated providers. The term 'Chartered Psychologist' is a legally protected title and only psychologists who qualify may use it. 

Is your psychologist appropriately qualified?

At CPG we are all clinical or counselling psychologists, meaning that we are competent to deliver all psychological therapies and to conduct academic research in psychology. Some of us hold additional specialised qualifications in occupational and coaching psychology.