A diagnostic test for myasthenia gravis, a rare disorder in which the muscles become weak and tire easily.
The abbreviation for electroencephalogram, a method of recording the activity of the brain.
The process by which fluid escapes.
A group of inherited connective tissue disorders.
An essential omega-3 fatty acid found in oily fish.
The discharge of semen from a man’s penis at the time of sexual climax.
A tracing of the electrical activity of the heart.
A technique for tracing the electrical activity of the heart. Abbreviated to ECG.
A solution containing ions (charged atoms such as sodium and potassium), or the ions themselves.
A substance whose molecules breakdown into its constituent ions when dissolved.
The measurement of electrical activity in muscle.
A test that records flicking eye movements known as nystagmus.
A laboratory technique for separating cells from a solution.
A disease that occurs in the tropics, characterised by massive swelling of the legs, arms and scrotum.
An abbreviation for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a laboratory method used to measure the concentration of a particular molecule in fluid.
Obstruction of blood flow by an embolus, a clot (or other material, for example, fat or air) that has become dislodged from elsewhere in the blood system.
A clot (or other material, for example, fat or air) that has become dislodged from a point in the blood system and travels in the circulation before lodging elswhere.
The abbreviation for electromyogram, which measures electrical activity in muscle and can help to diagnose muscle disorders.
Early morning urine (sample).
Inflammation of the brain.
The removal of atherosclerotic plaque from the inner wall of an artery.
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and the heart valves.
Within the cervix of the uterus.
To do with hormones or the glands that produce them.