An interesting discussion has been taking place in New York since the weekend about how patients in the USA can find the right doctor when they need one.
It seems that this is a big issue in the States because although choice is not dictated by an NHS equivalent, the private medical insurance (PMI) companies attempt to lock clients into preferred doctors and their hospitals. What makes matters worse is that ( surprise, surprise) websites purporting to offer impartial medical advice are too often found to be linked to a vested interest - such as a pharmaceutical company. The debate kicked off thanks to an excellent article on the New York Times website.
The USA is generally a couple of steps ahead of us in terms of consumer awareness so this piece gives an interesting snapshot of our own likely future. Forewarned is forearmed so I hope that this sort of information might go some ways to ensuring that medical information is kept impartial and that we avoid a situation where the PMI’s dictate choice.
It seems that this is a big issue in the States because although choice is not dictated by an NHS equivalent, the private medical insurance (PMI) companies attempt to lock clients into preferred doctors and their hospitals. What makes matters worse is that ( surprise, surprise) websites purporting to offer impartial medical advice are too often found to be linked to a vested interest - such as a pharmaceutical company. The debate kicked off thanks to an excellent article on the New York Times website.
The USA is generally a couple of steps ahead of us in terms of consumer awareness so this piece gives an interesting snapshot of our own likely future. Forewarned is forearmed so I hope that this sort of information might go some ways to ensuring that medical information is kept impartial and that we avoid a situation where the PMI’s dictate choice.
The basic unit of all living organisms.
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The basic unit of genetic material carried on chromosomes.
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Myocardial infarction. Death of a segment of heart muscle, which follows interruption of its blood supply.
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septic arthritis
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