COVID-19 - taking 'social distancing' seriously

Experts say management of COVID-19 is down to us as much as any government action

There is a lot of weird and wonderful information on Coronavirus flying around the media. The following piece written by leading researchers at Imperial College, Oxford University and Utrecht University is for anyone wanting to cut through the rubbish and hype in order to get an authoritative view. Seeking the right information and trying to get informed via an expert source is the first step in taking personal responsibility.

How we as individuals respond to government advice on preventing the spread of COVID-19 will be at least as important, if not more so, than government action, according to commentary published in The Lancet from researchers at the University of Oxford and Imperial College, London, and Utrecht University and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands.

See - How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?

As the UK moves into the “delay” phase of dealing with a possible COVID-19 epidemic, the researchers, led by Professor Sir Roy Anderson at Imperial College and Professor Deirdre Hollingsworth at the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute, suggest what can be done to minimise its spread and its impact.

Professor Hollingsworth said: ‘Completely preventing infection and mortality is not possible, so this is about mitigation. Our knowledge and understanding of COVID-19 will change over time, as will the response. High quality data collection and analysis will form an essential part of the control effort. Government communication strategies to keep the public informed will be absolutely vital.’

Vaccine development for COVID- 19 will take atleast a year

The report goes on to state that vaccine development is already underway, but it is likely to be at least a year before a vaccine can be mass-produced, even assuming all trials are successful. Social distancing is therefore the most important measure, with an individual’s behaviour key.

Social distancing includes the following actions:

  • taking early self-isolation and quarantine,
  • seeking remote medical advice and
  • not attending large gatherings or
  • going to crowded places.

Targeted social distancing

The virus seems to largely affect older people and those with existing medical conditions, so targeted social distancing may be most effective.

Social distancing measures are societally and economically disruptive and a balance has to be sought 

Government actions will be important, including banning large events such as football matches, closing workplaces, schools and institutions where COVID-19 has been identified, and making sure that good diagnostic facilities and remotely accessed advice, like telephone helplines, are widely available. Ensuring the provision of specialist healthcare is also vital. The researchers warn, however, that large-scale measures may only be of limited effect without individual responsibility. All measures, of course, will have an economic impact, and some stricter measures, such as shutting down entire cities, as seen in Wuhan in China, may be less effective in Western democracies.

Aim - to flatten the curve of infection

The aim of these social distancing measures is to “flatten the curve” of the infection, shown in the green trace in figure 1 below, slowing the spread and avoiding a huge peak in the number of new infections.

Figure 1: Rate of infection with different measures in place, NB not quantitative predictions but robust qualitative illustrations (Reprinted from The Lancet,, Anderson et al., Figure 1, How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?, Copyright (2020), with permission from Elsevier)

Flattening the curve can avoid overwhelming health services, keep the impact on the economy to within manageable levels and effectively buy more time to develop and manufacture effective vaccines, treatments and anti-viral drug therapies.

Need for management objective with tough choices

Sir Roy said: 'Government needs to decide on the main objectives of mitigation—is it minimising morbidity and associated mortality, avoiding an epidemic peak that overwhelms health-care services, keeping the effects on the economy within manageable levels, and flattening the epidemic curve to wait for vaccine development and manufacture on scale and antiviral drug therapies. We point out they cannot achieve all of these – so choices must be made.’

The researchers highlight that wider support for the health service and health care workers during an epidemic is vital in any case – during the Ebola epidemic in 2014-15, the death rate from other causes like malaria and childbirth rose sharply due to overwhelmed health services. The number of deaths indirectly caused by Ebola was higher than the number of deaths from Ebola itself.

"Superspreading" events

While much has been made in the media of a number of “superspreading” events, where one infected individual has inadvertently spread the disease to many others, the authors warn that there are superspreading events in every epidemic, and care should be taken not to make too much of these.

Containing the spread of an infectious disease relies on keeping the “reproduction number”, R0, the number of people infected by each infected person, below 1, when the pathogen will eventually die out. If R0 rises above 1, i.e. each infected person infects more than one other person, the pathogen will spread. Early data from China suggests that the R0 for COVID-19 could be as high as 2.5, implying that in an uncontained outbreak, 60% of the population could be infected. There are many unknowns in any new virus, however, and with COVID-19, it is not currently clear how long it takes for an infected person to become infectious to others, the duration of infectiousness, the fatality rate, and whether and for how long people are infectious before symptoms appear. It is also not currently clear if there are cases of COVID-19 which are non-symptomatic.

In comparisons with influenza-A (usual seasonal flu) and SARS, it currently seems likely that the epidemic will spread more slowly, but last longer, which has economic implications. Seasonal flu is generally limited by warmer weather, but as it is not known if this will affect COVID-19, the researchers say it will be important to monitor its spread in the Southern Hemisphere. Researchers will continue to collect and analyse data to monitor spread, while ongoing clinical research into treating seriously ill patients is also necessary.

One of the main priorities for researchers and policymakers will be contact tracing, with models suggesting that 70% of people an individual has come into contact with will need to be traced to control the early spread of the disease. The authors say other priorities include shortening the time from symptom onset to isolation, supporting home treatment and diagnosis, and developing strategies to deal with the economic consequences of extended absence from work.

Author Professor Hans Heesterbeek from the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Utrecht said: ‘Social distancing measures are societally and economically disruptive and a balance has to be sought in how long they can be held in place. The models show that stopping measures after a few months could lead to a new peak later in the year. It would be good to investigate this further.’

An abbreviation for adrenocorticotrophic hormone Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for atrial fibrillation Full medical glossary
An abbreviation that stands for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a type of leukaemia that is most common in the one to five age group. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for alanine-amino transferase Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for acute myeloid leukaemia, a type of leukaemia that occurs most commonly in the over 50 age group. Full medical glossary
A substance that acts against viruses, for example and antiviral drug. Full medical glossary
blood pressure Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is enlargement of the prostate that may cause difficulty in passing urine. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for breakthrough bleeding. Full medical glossary
bacterial vaginosis Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, abnormal changes in the cervix of the uterus that may resolve spontaneously, or may progress to cervical cancer. Full medical glossary
central nervous system Full medical glossary
A procedure to find and test other people who may have been exposed to someone with an infectious disease. It is most often undertaken for STDs and is carried out without revealing the name of the infected person. Full medical glossary
The abbreviation for computed tomography, a scan that generates a series of cross-sectional x-ray images Full medical glossary
chest X-ray Full medical glossary
The process of determining which condition a patient may have. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for diabetes mellitus. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for duodenal ulcer. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Full medical glossary
The abbreviation for ear, nose and throat. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for epididymo-orchitis. Full medical glossary
A sudden outbreak of infection that affects a large proportion of a population. Full medical glossary
Abbreviation for Eustachian tube. Full medical glossary
One of the three main food constituents (with carbohydrate and protein), and the main form in which energy is stored in the body. Full medical glossary
foreign body Full medical glossary
A viral infection affecting the respiratory system. Full medical glossary
The basic unit of genetic material carried on chromosomes. Full medical glossary
glandular fever Full medical glossary
gastrointestinal Full medical glossary
gamma glutamyl transpeptidase Full medical glossary
haemoglobin Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for human papilloma virus, a sexually transmitted virus that can cause genital warts and may also have a role in the development of various cancers. Full medical glossary
Abbreviation for hormone replacement therapy, the administration of female hormones in cases where they are not sufficiently produced by the body. Full medical glossary
intermittent claudication Full medical glossary
ischaemic heart disease Full medical glossary
Invasion by organisms that may be harmful, for example bacteria or parasites. Full medical glossary
A viral infection affecting the respiratory system. Full medical glossary
An element present in haemoglobin in the red cells. Full medical glossary
juvenile chronic arthritis Full medical glossary

An abbreviation for luteinising hormone, which is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

Full medical glossary
A large abdominal organ that has many important roles including the production of bile and clotting factors, detoxification, and the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Full medical glossary
A serious disease caused by parasitic protozoa called plasmodia. Full medical glossary
Myocardial infarction. Death of a segment of heart muscle, which follows interruption of its blood supply. Full medical glossary
multiple sclerosis Full medical glossary
mid-stream urine (sample) Full medical glossary
osteoarthritis Full medical glossary
otitis externa Full medical glossary
onychogryphosis Full medical glossary
otitis media Full medical glossary

  A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

Full medical glossary
pulmonary embolism Full medical glossary
proctalgia fugax Full medical glossary
peptic ulcer Full medical glossary
A pale yellow or green,creamy fluid found at the site of bacterial infection. Full medical glossary
per vaginam Full medical glossary
peripheral vascular disease Full medical glossary
rheumatoid arthritis Full medical glossary
recurrent aphthous ulceration Full medical glossary
Randomised controlled trial. A study comparing the outcomes between one or more different treatments for a disease (or in some instances, preventive measures against that disease) and no active treatment at all (the placebo group). Study participants are allocated to the various groups on a random basis. Full medical glossary
right upper quadrant Full medical glossary
septic arthritis Full medical glossary
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The abbreviation for tuberculosis, an infectious disease. Full medical glossary
trigeminal neuralgia Full medical glossary
trichomonal vaginosis Full medical glossary
A microbe that is only able to multiply within living cells. Full medical glossary
ventricular tachycardia Full medical glossary
white cell count Full medical glossary