It is encouraging that Cervarix® is found to generate a good immunogenic response but it is important to recognise that these results do not mean that Gardasil® is inferior to Cervarix® in protecting women against cervical cancer. Consultant Gynaecologist Adeola Olaitan comments on the story that cervical cancer vaccine, Cervarix®, has been shown to generate a significantly greater antibody response at seven months in women aged 18-45 to Gardasil® against the two main cancer causing human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes 16 & 18.
Cervarix® is the vaccine chosen by the Government for its programme, launched in September 2008, to, vaccinate girls aged 12–13 and 17–18 against HPV.
It is encouraging that Cervarix® is found to generate a good immunogenic response but it is important to recognise that these results do not mean that Gardasil® is inferior to Cervarix® in protecting women against cervical cancer. The minimum effective antibody level is not known. In addition, Gardasil ® also protects against HPV 6 and 11, the viruses that cause genital warts. While these warts do no cause cancer, they can be a source of distress and disfigurement.
It will take several years before clinically applicable comparative data between the two vaccines become available but the important thing in the mean time is for eligible women to accept the vaccine, lead a healthy lifestyle and attend for screening when invited.
One of a group of special proteins in the blood that are produced in response to a specific antigen and play a key role in immunity and allergy.
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Abnormal, uncontrolled cell division resulting in a malignant tumour that may invade surrounding tissues or spread to distant parts of the body.
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Relating either to the cervix (the neck of the womb) or to the cervical vertebrae in the neck (cervical spine).
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The basic unit of genetic material carried on chromosomes.
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An abbreviation for human papilloma virus, a sexually transmitted virus that can cause genital warts and may also have a role in the development of various cancers.
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A non-cancerous growth that resembles a wart.
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per vaginam
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A way to identify people who may have a certain condition, among a group of people who may or may not seem to
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Relating to injury or concern.
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A group within a group.
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A microbe that is only able to multiply within living cells.
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Microbes that are only able to multiply within living cells.
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A common, contagious, harmless growth that occurs on the skin or mucous membranes. Only the topmost layer of skin is affected.
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