French breast implants have no cancer link

totalhealth Consultant, Mr Ash Mosahebi, has spoken to the BBC about the risks of the Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) breast implants. Following the death of a woman with PIP implants in France last year, the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has had to investigate the possible links between these implants and incidences of cancer.

Mr Ash Mosahebi, appearing on BBC Breakfast, stated that “…there is no known risk of cancer but it is definitely known that these implants have a high risk of failure.” Up to 40,000 women in the UK are thought to have received the cheap PIP silicone implants. These low-cost devices were made using non-medical grade silicone and have a much higher risk of side effects including splitting. On average, breast implants should last ten years but 10% of these PIP implants had split within the first year.

The head of France’s National Cancer Institute, Dominique Maraninchi, released a statement that the eight cancer cases following breast implantation surgery were not necessarily due to faulty implants. The current advice for any British women who have received the French implants is to seek medical advice if they are concerned about their implants, especially if they think they may have ruptured, but not to panic that their implants will increase their risk of developing cancer.

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